was breached. Your password might have been compromised and you should change it immediately for your safety.

More info

Data compromised in breach

Source for Breach Data:  

What you should do next?

Change your password

Create a unique password for this account. You can use Enpass to generate and autofill strong passwords.

Password generator

Create unique passwords after exposed passwords in a data breach
Do not reuse exposed passwords

Check other passwords

Avoid reusing passwords as it puts your other accounts with the same password at risk. Enpass keeps you safe by identifying duplicate, weak and old passwords.

Password Audit

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Many websites offer an additional layer over passwords to authenticate. It could be one-time code sent over text or generated in any authenticator app. Check the audit section in Enpass to see which of your accounts can be protected using 2FA. Furthermore, you can use Enpass as an authenticator by saving their TOTPs.

Saving one-time codes in Enpass

Enable Two-Factor Authentication